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The Philosophy of Life

Simply put, the philosophy of life is a collective term for the principles by which we chose to live our lives.

The word Philosophy comes from the ancient Greek word Philo Sophia meaning ‘love of wisdom’ and breaking this down further, the word wisdom is made up of experience, insight and reflection.

So to glean our philosophy of life we need to reflect on the significant events of our lives and the impact that these experiences have made on us.  Through this reflection of experience we can gain insight into who we are, what our values are, and what helps to make us feel complete and authentic.

Most societies and organisations have principles by which they are governed; within the Spiritualist National Union we have our own example of these which are the Seven Principles; to which Spiritualists look, in order to live a spiritual way of life and which shows the overall philosophy to which spiritualism adheres to.

As a spiritualist I too look towards the seven principles, but as an individual I also have other principles, these have been shown to me throughout the experiences of my life. 

So how do we start to unfold the principles which develop our philosophy of life?

I’d like to share with you a personal example:

A few years ago I was made redundant for the second time in three years. This gave me the opportunity to reflect on what I really wanted to do as a job.  I had previously settled for the ‘security’ of a regular 9 to 5 job with a set income, but which had no job satisfaction and an environment which did not suit either my creative or emotional needs.

Upon reflection of the experience of losing my job, this helped me to realise that I needed to live an ‘authentic’ life; meaning that I had to follow my life long beliefs of being open, helping others and following the spiritual pathway.

This gave me the insight that I should be working with my spiritual awareness as a full time medium.

This helped me to develop a personal principle of: Living an authentic life, in other words ‘to thine own self be true’.

So the first principle which helps me to discover my philosophy of life is:

"Live an authentic life"

Now that I have shown you how, maybe you could use your own life's lessons, to find some of your own Philosophies of Life.

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