Sharon May - Spiritualist Medium
Assisting Doreen Virtue as an ATP during her "Goddesses and Angels" workshop, in Bristol.
Spiritualist Medium, Spiritual Teacher Angel Therapy Practitioner and Spirit Artist based in Somerset.
Hello and welcome, my name is Sharon May; I work throughout the UK & abroad as a Spiritualist Medium, artist & teacher.
Making your angels accessible to you, Angels made simple, understandable and real. Told “As it is” no mysteries or complicated instructions. As a natural spirit medium, I am privileged to work with Spirit and have helped many people over the past 30 years; I have a unique and loving relationship with spirit from which I receive great joy.
I am bestowed with the gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairaroma and clairsentience and I have been psychic all of my life. As a child I experienced the joy of playing with Spirit children, and enjoyed their unconditional love. These same spirit children are still with me, they are my spirit guides who have grown up along side of me; and with their love and light they help me to link with the Spirit world.
Google+From my early twenties I began to develop my gifts, including mediumship, studying at the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain in Belgrave Square, and at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted under the guidance of many well known and highly respected mediums.
By connecting with the Angels, I will help you to be more able to understand the “synchronicities”- the “planned coincidences” which happen to all of us at some time in our lives and by recognising the signs which are all around us. I have been shown by my guides Angelica, Miriam, Junica and Rapoor that I am to share my experiences with you.
By explaining my development and experiences this will help to
enlighten you to recognise when your angels are with you; how to see the angels signs and receive angelic messages in your everyday situations. This enlightenment will lead you to a greater understanding of the angelic realm, and the role we all have to play in connecting with the angels.
My life and work with Spirit is a most rewarding and enjoyable experience, it brings so much love and joy to both my clients and me. I receive much satisfaction by reuniting clients with their passed loved ones; I also enjoy helping people on their search for personal growth and spiritual development.
I am available for individual readings, group bookings, church services and clairvoyant demonstrations, more details are available on my Readings page.
I organise workshops and talks on Angel Connections, also development groups to open up awareness of angels and the spiritual realm, more details can be found on my Events page.
I am currently in the process of writing a book on my Angel experiences and that of being a medium.
I have produced a CD which outlines a few of my many angel experiences; it also contains an angel meditation by popular Cornish healer Robbie Wright.
The full CD is available priced at only £8.00 including p&p
Reading Tesimonials
I have never regretted travelling all the way from Africa just to see you. Your simplicity and gentleness is real proof that the angels are with you all the time. I continuously look forward to my next meeting with you! I hope it will be very soon.
Rosaline - Ghana
What is a Spiritualist Medium?
There is often some confusion over the differences between mediums and psychics, to clarify:
Psychics do not contact spirit people, yet are able to make predictions and sense things about people and events (fortune telling).
Mediums communicate with those in the spirit world; this may include a variety of techniques to accomplish the task. A Medium is a messenger; simply put, our job is to be able to convey what we receive from the spirit world, so that you obtain the message they send.
In short - All mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums.